the role of the elder
A ruling elder is ordained by the minister and Kirk Session of the parish and is answerable to the Kirk Session. Like a minister, an elder is ordained for life.
Unlike members of parish councils in other denominations, elders are understood to have pastoral responsibilities, which they carry out under the guidance of the minister. Usually, a parish will be divided into elders' districts, and the elders are expected to visit the church members resident in their district on a regular basis. Elders also often assist the minister in the distribution of the elements at a formal Communion Service.

Jamie Johnston proudly displays his certificate and diploma on graduating from Charis Bible College. A challenging but satisfying two years of study.
On Sunday 13th August we had great pleasure in Rev. Jack Brown presenting these five amazing and dedicated men with certificates and great applause from the congregation of the morning service.
Between them they gave over 200 years of service as Elders of the Church. We are so grateful for their service to the Church and the Community of Lochmaben for such a long time.
May God bless us all in our future service.
From left to right:-
Ian Scott. 36 years, Tom Russell 42 years, Sandy Grant 47 years, Willie Sloan 39 years, John Wilson 50 years.

Celebrating 20 years of Sandy Grant as Gift Aid Convenor